Thursday, January 1, 2099


Waist:30 1/2
Shoe:7 1/2

Video Coming Soon...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Audacious August

Oh my!  We are already into the dog days of summer and how quickly it is passing us by!!!  As you may or may not know, one of my nicknames is "Green Queen"...more or less because I will recycle everything I can even if it means driving to another facility that only takes certain items (I get this from my Dad!!).  I will do anything in my power to preserve the planet and all living things on it...and hopefully others will join me too!  I am working to put together another gathering for some Seed Gathering in the fall in the northwest suburbs of, if you are interested in becoming a part of the process, please feel free to email me at so that I can get you on the information list!!

This summer started of with me, Tommy and a bunch of other girls from the Chicago Cathy Savage Fitness group, alongwith the Illlinois Prairie Stewards, planting a bunch of rare seedling plants that are so needed to keep up the natural flora, in addition to helping the local birds, insects and other animals!  We had some perfect sunny, tempid weather and it rained just after we were done...amazing!!  We all had a great time together and am, as I mentioned, looking to put together a second gathering, this time to collect seeds, in the fall.  Truly rewarding!

This year has also seen me competing in several fitness shows so far (with more to come!) including the Illinois Natural ABA Show (featured in the August, 2010 Ironman Magazine!), the WBFF Fitness Atlantic Show and Fitness Universe!  Not only are these shows fun but they're truly rewarding with the wonderful friends you make along the way!

While in Miami for the Fitness Universe, I was able to work with three great photographers.  Nice people, professional and gave me some outstanding images!

Most recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of abc 7 Chicago News for a fashion segment with Erica Strama and the Shops of North Bridge (on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago).  The crew was truly nice and fun to work with.  Erica?  She's a blast!  So eloquent!!

Well, Go Green!  says Miss Green Queen!  Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions!

Warm Regards,

Natalie Lynn

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So Springy!

What a day this has been today...the only day of the weekend where I wasn't plagued with a migraine...and I made great use of it! Got my taxes done, sent in for my NASM Personal Trainer recert completion, met up with some Savage Girls, did my own cardio, errands and some shopping with Mom! And the sun was out...such a beautiful day!

I remember my days of tanning in the booth...and oh, yes, I still miss them! But after my bout of skin cancer on my face...never again! It did take me five doctors before I found the most amazing one that wouldn't disfigure me (could you imagine???)...I think about this every morning as I am getting ready to start my day. EVERY day I apply sunscreen to my face and any other skin that might be exposed through the day (my left arm tends to get it too with the window on the driver's side always being open). My favorite sunscreen has been Clarins. Not too stinky, clear and non-greasy so I put my makeup on right over it! Through all of this I have also learned the importance of taking extra special care with scars. These areas of scarred skin are extra sensitive to the sun (think baby skin) and therefore must be protected with the highest level of protection at least 5 years after scarring. Because this "baby skin" is more sensitive to the sun, it can be more prone to sun damage, i.e. cancer. I am no doctor but preach from my experience :) My skin cancer was on a part of my nose that had been badly scarred by a dog bite to the nose. A year later I had gotten sun poisoning, every part of me was badly burned. 15 years later, voila! Cancer! LOL! So please heed my warning and just spray yourselves :)

The beginning of 2010 held some fun events for me including being involved in the February 2010 issue of Fashion Chicago Magazine doing a lingerie layout for

Also in February, I was seen on the ABC reality show "Shark Tank", the season finale! I have a few cameos, including one showing my catch it quick! LOL!! Click on the link...I'm with Nicole the Chicago shoe lady and am one of her home shoe party conspirators! Shark Tank Find Episode 115, 19:00 on...

If you know me well enough, you know that I am much into saving our environment as it is...and to help all the little (and big) animals to survive...not to mention...I am a big Recycling freak and I am always trying to encourage others to do the same! Check out the geek holding the box of garbage in about the third story!!! Green Patriot Article

The Performance Network, an awesome website, recently featured me in an interview...I dare you to read it to see if you can learn anything new about me :) The Performance Network last shot of me in all my geekiness!! But yes!! I thought the best way to recycle all the plastic cups I use at Lifetime Fitness when I purchase my shakes twice a day, is NOT TO USE them! So now I bring my own mug....drink, rinse and go till the next one!

Have a Great Easter!!!

xo...Natalie Lynn

Monday, December 28, 2009

December Delight!

Oh my!  How the time has flown...even the holidays are drawing to a close.  I gotta admit, I do love the routine of regular life, regular clean eating and working can I say, "Welcome 2010!"

The last quarter of this year saw me participating in the FMI Conference...a wonderful three-day seminar where we did several shoots and learned everything under the sun regarding making your mark in the fitness industry.  There I got to work with photographer greats Mike Byerly, Harvey Elkins and Russ Elloway!  Guest speakers were abundant...too numerous to name them all but included Clark Bartram, Adam Silver and Elisabetta Rogiani the designer!  FMI Website!

I continue to write articles for fitness-related topics and have recently become a guest writer for Clark Bartram's Website .  I love writing actually!  Please feel free to drop me a line if there's ever a certain topic you would be most interested in hearing about.  To contact me, go directly off my website Natalie Lynn's Natland!

Lastly, I've been a featured model on the World Physique website and will shortly be doing some shooting for their magazine within the next couple of weeks.  This new and up and coming magazine has some great features, articles and is loaded with information!  Check it out here!  World Physique Feature

All in all, it's been a great year!  2010 is going to be explosive...I can't wait!!!

Warm Regards,

Natalie Lynn

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Resume

Music Video for The Audition, out Summer 2009
Speed TV, Livenation's Monster Jam Crash Course, 01/2007
Stella Starlight Production 12/05 - Role / Asst.Stage Director

Real Show Guest Host, 12/06-01/07

Gearhead News, Oct/Nov 2007,, "Hot Chick of the Day", featured model, 12/06
Cosmic Tribune, featured model, 11/06
Fanball Magazine 7/06
Doghouse Fantasy Football Magazine 7/06
Book Cover "Exposed" by Alison Tyler 5/06
Page 3 Girl Afrikaans Daily News/Div. of London Daily Sun 12/05
Book Cover "Sexual Mischief" by Lizbeth Dusseau 6/05
Book Cover "Firm of Pleasure" by Raven Wildwood 6/05
Fitness and Physique Spring 2005
Unforgettable Women Calendar 2005
Ms. Fitness Magazine Winter 2004
Oxygen Magazine 9/02

Pride Nutrition, 2005-current
MK Magazine Vixxxen 2006

Biopharm Nutrition, 07/09-Present
Diva Bikinis, 11/06
GoalSetter Photo Advertising 3/06

FAP Midwest, Bikini Competitor, 10/08
FUP Bikini America Competitor, Miami, FL, 06/08
FUP Bikini America Competitor, Los Angeles, Ca, 11/07
FUP Model America Competitor, Hollywood, Ca, 11/06
Ms. Fitness Nationals, Las Vegas, NV, 09/04
StreetMoves Dancer 2005

Fashion's Night Out, Northbrook Court Mall, 09/09
VOP Fashion and Rock Show, 05/08
FAME Club Industry Fitness Fashion Show 11/05

Monday, September 21, 2009

September Sizzles!

August started out with a quick trip to SoBe, that's right! Miami! Where William Uz of Evolution Fitnezz and I finally found some time to work together! We started our shoot off with a fabulous glamour street shoot, followed by some pool shots.  Early the next morning, we finished up the shoot on the beach for a beautiful sunrise set or two!  It was an amazing good time and I highly recommend William.  Not only is he a great photographer, he is also incredibly sweet and professional.  I've included some great images from the shoot including a behind-the-scenes peek

Not too long ago, I modeled in the "Fashion's Night Out" fashion show at the Northbrook Court Mall where I modeled for such stores as White House Black Market.  I always have an amazing time when I am around the other URSupermodels that I work with.  The girls and guys are so sweet and professional.  It can make any gig a blast!

On that same note, next weekend I will be shooting for the Winter Swimsuit Issue of Fashion Chicago Magazine.  This will be the third time I will be working with the great Azhar Harris.  I am indebted to him for his commitment to the Chicago Fashion scene.

As for the rest of my time, I continue to work fervently in the gym, training and taking it to the next level.  I have a great fitness routine that I am working on so am very hopeful to one day get that on the stage soon.   I continue to train client with and have developed my own Hip Hop Aerobics class there.  Nonetheless, I am very busy...I get a little antsy when I am sittin' still!  People often ask me how do I stay motivated?  A good bit from my friends...and a new Lullelemon outfit does not hurt at all!  LOL!!!

Also, as a sidenote, I am also a Virus Specialist.  This H1N1 Swine Flu is definitely keeping my company in business.  Sad to say but true.  lol.  Unfortunately, my work involves the use of animal kidneys so that 's always something I've had trouble coming to grips with.  As you know, I am a deep animal lover and environmentalist.  It is definitely a tough line to walk between matters involving animals, people and the earth.  By the end of the year, I plan to be working more closely with the World Wildlife Fund and more locally, the Poplar Creek Prairie Stewards Organization in my area.  This organization works to keep the natural prairie environment in tact as much as possible in accordance with man.

Wish me luck!

xo...Natalie Lynn

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August is Amongst Us!

Hello!!! Just dropping in! Just a wonderful Sunday here where I finally, due to a fashion show cancellation, have a bit of time to relax and catch up! Can you hear me take a deep breath and sigh of relief? :)

I've done a lot of shooting over the past couple of some great new images which I've included for you to check out! I've done some shooting for and, along with some portfolio work. Next week I'm off for magazine submission work with William Uz down in Miami...and shooting for Fashion Chicago Magazine so be on the look out for some more new stuff :)

I'm also continuing to work strongly with my passion for wildlife and Climate Change efforts. I encourage you all to up the ante and recycle as much as possible :) I am also forwarding all proceeds of the sales of the images in my Store on my website,, to the World Wildlife Fund, the conservation network I am affiliated with!

Much love to you all,

Natalie Lynn